Having an audit conducted will identify where you do and don’t comply with the relevant benchmark criteria or standard, and provide you with a list of non-conformances that will need to be rectified in order to achieve compliance.
How we do it
Certification to ISO 45001 is not a requirement of the standard but can be a useful tool to demonstrate that you meet the criteria, and it’s a powerful way to demonstrate effective safety management to your clients and customers.
We can assist your business to prepare for ISO 45001 certification, starting with our auditing process. We can also assist you to navigate the certification process with a 3rd party certification provider who can issue your business with ISO 45001 certification.
ISO 45001 will help you to manage your OH&S risks and improve your OH&S performance by developing and implementing effective processes and objectives. Potential benefits from use of the standard include:
Conduct a review of your current safety systems and processes, against defined benchmark criteria.
Find out more ⟶Develop paper-based or digital OHS induction packages, to advise workers of workplace health and safety risks.
Find out more ⟶Summarise all of your OHS processes in one go-to document, which can be used as a point of reference by employees and customers.
Find out more ⟶Develop safe systems of work relevant to your business, by identifying and developing key policies and procedures.
Find out more ⟶Safety skills training that can be delivered at your workplace or at our in-house training facility.
Find out more ⟶Assist you to break down your legal responsibilities with regards to contractors, and how to identify who should do what.
Find out more ⟶If you’re looking to review your current safety systems and processes and ensure you are meeting your legal obligations as an employer then get in touch with us today.