Changes to Victoria’s WorkCover Scheme – What it means for employers

The changes came into effect on 31 March 2024, but what do they mean for employers? What exactly has changed?

New eligibility requirements for mental injury claims:

  1. A new mental injury definition – it must be an injury that causes significant behavioural, cognitive or psychological dysfunction; and be diagnosed by a medical practitioner.
  2. Employment must be the ‘strongest or largest contributing cause‘, not just ‘a cause.’
  3. Workers will not be eligible to claim for compensation for stress or burnout caused from usual or typical events expected to occur in the course of their duties.

New whole person impairment requirement:

To continue receiving weekly payments after 130 weeks, workers must now have a whole person impairment (WPI) of 21% or more, and meet the existing capacity test requirement.


The new inclusions seek to recongise that most jobs involve a degree of work-related stress that is reasonably expected to occur.

Take away messages for employers:

  1. Collect and maintain evidence of any non-work related injuries sustained and reported.
  2. Gather data on the typical nature of work and job demands for all workers.
  3. Provide this information to your agent in a timely manner upon receipt of a claim so that an accurate assessment of liability can be made.
  4. In the event of a claim, communicate regularly with your agent to discuss and address information gaps and provide further information as required.

For further information visit: Scheme modernisation | WorkSafe Victoria

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